Smoked Collection


Where there's smoke... there's a selection of smoked fish! The renowned smoked delicacies gathered together in a bundle: Smoked Salmon, Mussels, Cod Roe, and Spicy Sardines.

  • Our Salmon is first cooked and then smoked, and afterward preserved in olive oil. It's rich in Omega-3, as well as a highly versatile protein. It pais excellently with light and refreshing dishes, such as a summer salad ☀️
  • Traditionally smoked, our mussels stand out for their controlled cooking time, ensuring a smooth texture. Mussels are rich in omega-3, protein, vitamins C and B-12, iron, and zinc. They reduce the risk of inflammation and boost immunity
  • We smoked sardines and added a slight spicy touch of chili pepper... The result? A Portuguese conserva that's smoking hot! 🌶️ 🔥

  • Our smoked Cod Roe is sliced and coated in olive oil over a layer of vegetables - carrots, cucumber, and chili pepper. Cod roe is rich in fatty acids like Omega-3 and has a high content of Vitamin B-12.


Some extra fishy treats

The tale of a tradition

To become the best tinned fish in olive oil in the world, our fish go through lots of experienced and talented hands.

The hands of those who catch them, those who pick them out, and those who prepare them. 

Our artisans handle the fish with great passion and skill, an art that's been passed down from generation to generation, keeping it alive and true to its original methods.

The story of these hands is also the story of decades of canning craftsmanship.

The art of 
Fish Prepping

Prepping and cleaning our fish is a delicate job that needs a lot of precision and a real dedication to tradition. It's an art that's been handed down through generations, trusted to the skilled hands of our expert canners, making each can a masterpiece that shows the care and devotion that has stood the test of time.

Artful Cooking

The confection of our fish is yet another demanding stage of this meticulous and passionate preserving process. 

After selecting the freshest ingredients, they are prepared and cooked with utmost care, respecting traditional recipes. 

Every little detail is crafted by hand so that both your taste buds and your eyes can enjoy them, creating a memorable experience for your palate and memory.